Friday, 3 July 2015

Small boy lands monster sturgeon; described as `10-foot dinosaur’


Kegan Rothman poses with the sturgeon
before its release. Photo: Great River Fishing Adventures
A 9-year-old boy said landing a
prehistoric-looking fish measuring 10 feet long and weighing 600 pounds was a
dream come true–and more than a little bit scary.
“I thought the fish was going to pull
me into the water,” Kegan Rothman told Calgary Sun, in
reference to the massive white sturgeon he caught Monday on the Fraser River.

After measurements were taken–the
fish also boasted a 50-inch girth–the sturgeon was tagged and released. (The
video below shows Kegan coaxing the sturgeon into a deeper portion of river,
where it slowly swims out of sight.)

Kegan Rothman said he was worried
the sturgeon was going to pull him into the water. Photo: Great River Fishing
“I’ll never forget this–this is the
best trip of my life,” said Kegan, who was fishing with his father, Dan
Rothman, and guide Ben Trainer from Great River Fishing Adventures.
This was among the largest sturgeon
caught on the Fraser River, and certainly the largest caught by a 9-year-old
who stands only 4 feet tall.
“I’ve been a professional fishing
guide on the Fraser River for 11 years and have fished these rivers my whole
life. This is one of the largest fish I have helped a client catch,” Trainer
said on the company blog.

Kegan hooked the fish himself, but
his dad helped during part of a battle that lasted nearly two hours. Great
River Fishing Adventures described the accomplishment as “a nearly impossible
A banner headline on its website
reads, “Real Life Jurrasic World,” in reference to the new hit movie, and
describes the fish as “a 10-foot dinosaur.”
It’s not that big of a stretch
considering the primitive appearance of the fish, and that that fossil records
of sturgeon date back 200 million years.
Kegan’s fish was estimated to be
more than 75 years old. It becomes one of about 61,000 white sturgeon Great
River Fishing Adventures guides have helped tagged since 1995.
Maybe the next time it surfaces,
it’ll be a much larger dinosaur, as white sturgeon can measure 20-plus feet.


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