Wife of Late Patrick Sawyer (Decontee
Mrs. Sawyer has risen
to her husband’s defence and explained why he travelled into Nigeria despite
being infected.Patrick Saywer the
Liberian-American who died of Ebola in Nigeria has become infamous for being
the one who brought the dreadful virus in the Country.Mr. Sawyer entered
Nigeria with dreaded Ebola virus with intentions to attend an ECOWAS meeting in
spite knowing he was infected with dreadful Ebola virus. He died in Lagos on
July 25 of the illness.
From that point
forward, Nigerians, and even his fellow Liberians, have castigated the late Mr.
Sawyer for his recklessness and wickedness.
Nonetheless, Sawyer’s
wife, Decontee, who is a radio host in New York, has protected her spouse
In an article published
on TMZ Liberia Magazine with words selected from her Facebook page, she said:
“I’ve read other
reports in other papers about Patrick’s “recklessness.” I get where they’re
coming from, and they certainly have the right to feel the way they do.
However, as Patrick’s
widow, I would like to shed some light on this from another perspective. One
that only I, his wife, would know,” she wrote.
“I knew Patrick
better than anybody else (including himself). He had told me many times in the
past how much he didn’t trust the Liberian healthcare system.
He would tell me
about how a person would get checked in for one thing, and get misdiagnosed and
get the wrong treatment as a result. On top of that, Patrick was a clean freak,
and told me how filthy a lot of the hospitals were.
“He didn’t tell me
this, but I know in my heart of hearts that Patrick was determined to get to
Nigeria by all means because he felt that Nigeria would be a place of refuge.
He has expressed to
me many times in the past that he felt passionately about helping to be a part
of strengthening Liberia’s healthcare system, but he knew it wasn’t there yet,
and he wouldn’t want to take a chance with his life because a lot of people
depended on him… Patrick had a passion for life, and he wouldn’t have wanted
his to end.
So, I bet anything
that he was thinking, if I could only get to Nigeria, a way more developed
country than Liberia, I would be able to get some help. How ironic.”
“Patrick went to
Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in
Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian
healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as off
as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought
his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
A total of 3 deaths
and 7 affirmed instances of Ebola infected persons have been recorded in
Nigeria including Sawyer himself and individuals who had primary contact with
Nigeria was Ebola
free before Sawyer board on 2 planes into the country. President Goodluck
Jonathan described him as a crazy man while Nigeria’s Health Minister,
Onyebuchi Chukwu accused him of placing unnecessary stress on the nation’s
healthcare system
- See more at: http://naijezie.com/husband-took-ebola-nigeria-patrick-sawyers-wife-defends-husband/2014/08/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NaijeZie+%28NaijaOnlineJobs.Com%29#sthash.i8qywsJA.dpuf
Wife of Late Patrick Sawyer (Decontee Sawyer)
Mrs. Sawyer has risen to her husband’s defence and explained why he travelled into Nigeria despite being infected.
Patrick Saywer the Liberian-American who
died of Ebola in Nigeria has become infamous for being the one who
brought the dreadful virus in the Country.
Mr. Sawyer entered Nigeria with dreaded Ebola virus with intentions
to attend an ECOWAS meeting in spite knowing he was infected with
dreadful Ebola virus. He died in Lagos on July 25 of the illness.From that point forward, Nigerians, and even his fellow Liberians, have castigated the late Mr. Sawyer for his recklessness and wickedness.
Nonetheless, Sawyer’s wife, Decontee, who is a radio host in New York, has protected her spouse activities.
In an article published on TMZ Liberia Magazine with words selected from her Facebook page, she said:
“I’ve read other reports in other papers about Patrick’s “recklessness.” I get where they’re coming from, and they certainly have the right to feel the way they do.
However, as Patrick’s widow, I would like to shed some light on this from another perspective. One that only I, his wife, would know,” she wrote.
“I knew Patrick better than anybody else (including himself). He had told me many times in the past how much he didn’t trust the Liberian healthcare system.
He would tell me about how a person would get checked in for one thing, and get misdiagnosed and get the wrong treatment as a result. On top of that, Patrick was a clean freak, and told me how filthy a lot of the hospitals were.
“He didn’t tell me this, but I know in my heart of hearts that Patrick was determined to get to Nigeria by all means because he felt that Nigeria would be a place of refuge.
He has expressed to me many times in the past that he felt passionately about helping to be a part of strengthening Liberia’s healthcare system, but he knew it wasn’t there yet, and he wouldn’t want to take a chance with his life because a lot of people depended on him… Patrick had a passion for life, and he wouldn’t have wanted his to end.
So, I bet anything that he was thinking, if I could only get to Nigeria, a way more developed country than Liberia, I would be able to get some help. How ironic.”
“Patrick went to Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as off as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
A total of 3 deaths and 7 affirmed instances of Ebola infected persons have been recorded in Nigeria including Sawyer himself and individuals who had primary contact with him.
Nigeria was Ebola free before Sawyer board on 2 planes into the country. President Goodluck Jonathan described him as a crazy man while Nigeria’s Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu accused him of placing unnecessary stress on the nation’s healthcare system
- See more at: http://naijezie.com/husband-took-ebola-nigeria-patrick-sawyers-wife-defends-husband/2014/08/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NaijeZie+%28NaijaOnlineJobs.Com%29#sthash.i8qywsJA.dpuf
Wife of Late Patrick Sawyer (Decontee Sawyer)
Mrs. Sawyer has risen to her husband’s defence and explained why he travelled into Nigeria despite being infected.
Patrick Saywer the Liberian-American who
died of Ebola in Nigeria has become infamous for being the one who
brought the dreadful virus in the Country.
Mr. Sawyer entered Nigeria with dreaded Ebola virus with intentions
to attend an ECOWAS meeting in spite knowing he was infected with
dreadful Ebola virus. He died in Lagos on July 25 of the illness.From that point forward, Nigerians, and even his fellow Liberians, have castigated the late Mr. Sawyer for his recklessness and wickedness.
Nonetheless, Sawyer’s wife, Decontee, who is a radio host in New York, has protected her spouse activities.
In an article published on TMZ Liberia Magazine with words selected from her Facebook page, she said:
“I’ve read other reports in other papers about Patrick’s “recklessness.” I get where they’re coming from, and they certainly have the right to feel the way they do.
However, as Patrick’s widow, I would like to shed some light on this from another perspective. One that only I, his wife, would know,” she wrote.
“I knew Patrick better than anybody else (including himself). He had told me many times in the past how much he didn’t trust the Liberian healthcare system.
He would tell me about how a person would get checked in for one thing, and get misdiagnosed and get the wrong treatment as a result. On top of that, Patrick was a clean freak, and told me how filthy a lot of the hospitals were.
“He didn’t tell me this, but I know in my heart of hearts that Patrick was determined to get to Nigeria by all means because he felt that Nigeria would be a place of refuge.
He has expressed to me many times in the past that he felt passionately about helping to be a part of strengthening Liberia’s healthcare system, but he knew it wasn’t there yet, and he wouldn’t want to take a chance with his life because a lot of people depended on him… Patrick had a passion for life, and he wouldn’t have wanted his to end.
So, I bet anything that he was thinking, if I could only get to Nigeria, a way more developed country than Liberia, I would be able to get some help. How ironic.”
“Patrick went to Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as off as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
A total of 3 deaths and 7 affirmed instances of Ebola infected persons have been recorded in Nigeria including Sawyer himself and individuals who had primary contact with him.
Nigeria was Ebola free before Sawyer board on 2 planes into the country. President Goodluck Jonathan described him as a crazy man while Nigeria’s Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu accused him of placing unnecessary stress on the nation’s healthcare system
- See more at: http://naijezie.com/husband-took-ebola-nigeria-patrick-sawyers-wife-defends-husband/2014/08/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NaijeZie+%28NaijaOnlineJobs.Com%29#sthash.i8qywsJA.dpuf
Wife of Late Patrick Sawyer (Decontee Sawyer)
Mrs. Sawyer has risen to her husband’s defence and explained why he travelled into Nigeria despite being infected.
Patrick Saywer the Liberian-American who
died of Ebola in Nigeria has become infamous for being the one who
brought the dreadful virus in the Country.
Mr. Sawyer entered Nigeria with dreaded Ebola virus with intentions
to attend an ECOWAS meeting in spite knowing he was infected with
dreadful Ebola virus. He died in Lagos on July 25 of the illness.From that point forward, Nigerians, and even his fellow Liberians, have castigated the late Mr. Sawyer for his recklessness and wickedness.
Nonetheless, Sawyer’s wife, Decontee, who is a radio host in New York, has protected her spouse activities.
In an article published on TMZ Liberia Magazine with words selected from her Facebook page, she said:
“I’ve read other reports in other papers about Patrick’s “recklessness.” I get where they’re coming from, and they certainly have the right to feel the way they do.
However, as Patrick’s widow, I would like to shed some light on this from another perspective. One that only I, his wife, would know,” she wrote.
“I knew Patrick better than anybody else (including himself). He had told me many times in the past how much he didn’t trust the Liberian healthcare system.
He would tell me about how a person would get checked in for one thing, and get misdiagnosed and get the wrong treatment as a result. On top of that, Patrick was a clean freak, and told me how filthy a lot of the hospitals were.
“He didn’t tell me this, but I know in my heart of hearts that Patrick was determined to get to Nigeria by all means because he felt that Nigeria would be a place of refuge.
He has expressed to me many times in the past that he felt passionately about helping to be a part of strengthening Liberia’s healthcare system, but he knew it wasn’t there yet, and he wouldn’t want to take a chance with his life because a lot of people depended on him… Patrick had a passion for life, and he wouldn’t have wanted his to end.
So, I bet anything that he was thinking, if I could only get to Nigeria, a way more developed country than Liberia, I would be able to get some help. How ironic.”
“Patrick went to Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as off as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
A total of 3 deaths and 7 affirmed instances of Ebola infected persons have been recorded in Nigeria including Sawyer himself and individuals who had primary contact with him.
Nigeria was Ebola free before Sawyer board on 2 planes into the country. President Goodluck Jonathan described him as a crazy man while Nigeria’s Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu accused him of placing unnecessary stress on the nation’s healthcare system
- See more at: http://naijezie.com/husband-took-ebola-nigeria-patrick-sawyers-wife-defends-husband/2014/08/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NaijeZie+%28NaijaOnlineJobs.Com%29#sthash.i8qywsJA.dpuf
Mrs. Sawyer has risen to her husband’s defence and explained why he travelled into Nigeria despite being infected.
Patrick Saywer the Liberian-American who
died of Ebola in Nigeria has become infamous for being the one who
brought the dreadful virus in the Country.
Mr. Sawyer entered Nigeria with dreaded Ebola virus with intentions
to attend an ECOWAS meeting in spite knowing he was infected with
dreadful Ebola virus. He died in Lagos on July 25 of the illness.From that point forward, Nigerians, and even his fellow Liberians, have castigated the late Mr. Sawyer for his recklessness and wickedness.
Nonetheless, Sawyer’s wife, Decontee, who is a radio host in New York, has protected her spouse activities.
In an article published on TMZ Liberia Magazine with words selected from her Facebook page, she said:
“I’ve read other reports in other papers about Patrick’s “recklessness.” I get where they’re coming from, and they certainly have the right to feel the way they do.
However, as Patrick’s widow, I would like to shed some light on this from another perspective. One that only I, his wife, would know,” she wrote.
“I knew Patrick better than anybody else (including himself). He had told me many times in the past how much he didn’t trust the Liberian healthcare system.
He would tell me about how a person would get checked in for one thing, and get misdiagnosed and get the wrong treatment as a result. On top of that, Patrick was a clean freak, and told me how filthy a lot of the hospitals were.
“He didn’t tell me this, but I know in my heart of hearts that Patrick was determined to get to Nigeria by all means because he felt that Nigeria would be a place of refuge.
He has expressed to me many times in the past that he felt passionately about helping to be a part of strengthening Liberia’s healthcare system, but he knew it wasn’t there yet, and he wouldn’t want to take a chance with his life because a lot of people depended on him… Patrick had a passion for life, and he wouldn’t have wanted his to end.
So, I bet anything that he was thinking, if I could only get to Nigeria, a way more developed country than Liberia, I would be able to get some help. How ironic.”
“Patrick went to Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed in Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as off as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought his life would be saved in Nigeria.”
A total of 3 deaths and 7 affirmed instances of Ebola infected persons have been recorded in Nigeria including Sawyer himself and individuals who had primary contact with him.
Nigeria was Ebola free before Sawyer board on 2 planes into the country. President Goodluck Jonathan described him as a crazy man while Nigeria’s Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu accused him of placing unnecessary stress on the nation’s healthcare system
- See more at: http://naijezie.com/husband-took-ebola-nigeria-patrick-sawyers-wife-defends-husband/2014/08/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NaijeZie+%28NaijaOnlineJobs.Com%29#sthash.i8qywsJA.dpuf
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