Wednesday, 12 November 2014


God Our Father,

The birth of your Son Jesus Christ brought great joy to Mary and Joseph. Heavenly Father, We praise You for all Your gifts to us. In a special way, I thank You for MY SISTER JOSEPHINE whose birthday we celebrate today. Bless her always in Your love. May she ever grow in your faith, hope, and love.
Thank you, God, for giving her another year of life. 

Thank you for all the people who remembered her today by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded her of her own weakness and of her need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove her to you. Forgive her for the hours she wasted, for the chances she failed to take, for the opportunities she missed this past year. Help her in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to herself, happiness and pride to her loved ones, and joy to you. 

Dear  Lord,
Please Bless and Protect my older sister! Today is her B/D. Let her have a very enjoyable and happy happy special day! I pray that she continues in good health and much happiness. Thank you Lord for one of the best friends and really special person she has been in my life. Love her so much!!!! Bless her always.  I ask all this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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