![Image may contain: 1 person, standing](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16996015_10202810281174854_2225141003553955228_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeF2XKRIryUd6eVA1UpcV5518Fn5-jv00GGc2FNEIltrxHArdXaBH6zVDycqrckBFkBtWZ81bGqMRXJjC40tUtMn4I55Nr5Oa8QljW4Hn0ftrg&oh=b68d2f61496104f4d6a3f83f3a3bede8&oe=596F0ECF)
Lilian Nwobu died after battling with cancer. I have not been my self since I heard this, last time we visited you, you said that everything is better, I thought you are ok I didn't know you would leave so soon. Before her death, she owned GistPost, an entertainment blog. She left behind her husband and 2 year old daughter, Xenia.
May your soul rest in peace, Amen
Jee Nke Oma Nwanyi Oma